Hello there, my friends and dear ones,

I have an extra special surprise for you today! I’m letting author and my new friend Mason Frost takeover today’s blog post, and he’s got some exciting news for you that you won’t want to miss. Hey Mason! Welcome to my blog. I’m excited to have you here. Please introduce yourself and take it away…..

Well good morning everyone! As J said my name is Mason. To give you some background on me, I started writing stories at a young age. I was alway either writing or knitting in high school. I was truly blessed to have an amazing friend who wrote fantasy and mythology stories with me. Once out of High School I ended up not writing as much, that is until the pandemic hit. I was a huge audiobook junkie due to my job and that just increased during the pandemic. I was listening to authors like Lucy Lennox, May Archer and KM Neuhold during this time. I was falling in love with their stories and realizing that I wanted to start writing some romance stories. The saying my friend used to say popped into my head, “I write the stories I would want to read that aren’t out yet”. SO that afternoon I started to write some gay romance stories. Once the writing bug latched on again, I also started to get the urge I hadn’t felt in years. I wanted to get my stories out so that the kids like me would actually see themselves in the books they read. That and so I could say I was a published author. So since then I have released three books and have many more that I’m ecstatic to write, mapped out.

Now to get to my newest book Husbears. Now this story was a blast to write, there were times in the story that I just held my hands up and watched where the characters took it. This book was a merger of two of the stories that I had floating around in my head and some of me mixed in. I am a fan of marriage of convenience, when it’s done right. Also when i started to write this story our government was looking at going after marriage equality. So that’s how Husbears was born. It was the idea of how would a man who just wants to be married and a man who needs to be married so he could get a promotion he has earned ten times over, react to Marriage Equality looking at getting axed. But also still hung up on each other even when it’s been five years since they have seen each other. That’s the premise of Tristan and Jaden’s story. You get to meet some awesome side characters, but don’t worry most of them do get their own book next year. That’s all I can say so I don’t end up giving anything away haha. I hope you all enjoy the story as much as I did writing it. Also look out for a few more stories coming out this year.

Pick up Mason’s newest release HUSBEARS by clicking the cover below:

Visit his website for more about Mason and his books!

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